About Us

Who We Are

We are a family of 6, building a life together in sunny South Africa. Our home language is Afrikaans, although we are bilingual in English and a lot of the material we use for schooling is also in English. We enjoy music, books, films and literature from a wide variety of cultures, as well as anything crafty.
As we travel through the world of learning, with an age gap of 8 years between eldest and youngest, we’re concentrating on the studying items which interests us. That includes technology, animals, history, flight, music, dance, business and much much more.

And HappyDooDa?

What is HappyDooda?

We created HappyDooDa as a family business originally in 2014, after we found that we needed specific materials for our children’s schooling. The internet has various worksheets and ideas all over, however we couldn’t find exactly what we wanted. So we started to create our own.

What is the Focus?
Who benefits from HappyDooda